Exploring South Africa: 10 Reasons to Visit the Mother of Africa

Cape Town, the Mother of South Africa, is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. With its amazing natural formations and modern and cultural architecture, it is a sight to behold. The agricultural industry is one of the main drivers of the South African economy, with more than half of its production being fruit. Every year, 4.7 million tons of fruit are produced, with 59% being exported.

South Africa is also home to Kruger National Park, a 19,485 square meter area that is home to the Big Five in Africa. Sun City is another great destination for family safaris and limitless joy. South Africa also has many hidden gems and is home to 10 UNESCO World Heritage sites. It is also home to Mrs.

Ples, a 2.3 million-year-old fossil, and John Ronald Reuel (JRR) Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa. The country is also rich in minerals and mines, with almost 90 percent of all platinum metals on planet Earth and around 41 percent of all gold in the world. Natural resources, agriculture, tourism and manufacturing have made South Africa the largest economy on the continent. With international airports across the country, it is easy to visit this amazing country.

Here are our top 10 reasons to visit South Africa.

Esther Woodcock
Esther Woodcock

Esther has been in Marketing field for 15 years